

I want to emphasize that I'm not a lawyer, a financial expert, or an immigration specialist. In reality, I'm not an expert in anything related to this topic. What you're about to read is simply a collection of recommendations based on my personal experiences and research from the internet. This article doesn't claim to be the ultimate authority on the subject, and I hope you'll approach it with an open mind. Please feel free to use your judgment and seek additional advice whenever you feel it's necessary.

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Landing Your Dream Job in Dublin

   Reading time: 5 minutes
Are you ready to kickstart your career in Dublin, one of Europe’s thriving job markets? Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out, finding the perfect job in Dublin requires careful planning and a strategic approach. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to help you land your dream job in the Irish capital.

Before we delve into the details, remember that finding your dream job is a journey that requires preparation, persistence, and a tailored strategy. We assume you have some experience in your chosen field as we explore the job-hunting process in Dublin.

Where to Look for Job Opportunities

Dublin offers numerous avenues for job seekers, and it’s crucial to explore the right channels. Here are three primary approaches:

  • Companies’ Careers Pages: Many companies in Dublin post job openings directly on their websites. This can be an excellent way to discover opportunities with specific organizations.
  • Job Boards: Job boards are a treasure trove of job listings. Check out popular job boards like,, LinkedIn Jobs, Indeed, and Glassdoor to find a wide range of positions.
  • Recruitment Agencies: Building relationships with recruitment agencies can be highly beneficial. Some reputable agencies in Dublin include CPL, Sigmar Recruitment, Morgan McKinley, Hays, Osborne, and Brightwater. A simple Google search can uncover more options.

Prepare Your Application Materials

When applying for jobs in Dublin, remember that each application is unique. While templates are helpful, customization is key. Ensure your CV, cover letter, and online presence are finely tuned for each position you pursue. You’ll need:

  • An up-to-date CV
  • An up-to-date cover letter
  • An up-to-date LinkedIn profile
Tailor each application to the specific role you’re applying for. Showcase your enthusiasm and effort to make potential employers feel valued.

I won’t go into a massive description of how to create these (the internet is full of resources) but, if you need a hand, you can always reach out to me or seek some professional help. Aleks is kick ass.

Crafting an Effective Job Application Strategy

Finding your dream job can be a numbers game, but don’t resort to mass applications. Quality trumps quantity. Here’s a strategic approach:

  • Tailoring the CV and Cover Letter: Match the keywords in the job ad with your CV to catch recruiters’ attention during their initial screening.
  • Apply via the Company Directly: Applying directly through a company’s website can increase your chances of a response, as recruiters often prioritize these applications.
  • Leverage Internal Referrals: Companies value internal referrals. Use LinkedIn to connect with employees at your target companies and ask for internal referrals.
  • Focus Your Attention: Concentrate on a few companies at a time rather than applying to dozens simultaneously.
  • Track Your Applications: Keep a record of your applications to quickly reference them when recruiters reach out. Make them feel like their job is the only one you ever wanted.
  • Persistence is Key: Rejection is part of the process. Don’t be disheartened; seek advice, network, and keep going.
  • Having a Job Helps: If possible, secure a job before moving to Dublin, as it can make you more appealing to employers.
  • Language Skills: Multilingual candidates often have an advantage in the job market. Consider starting in a junior role if it gets your foot in the door.

Additional Tips and Things to Know

  • PPS Number: To work in Dublin, you’ll need a PPS (Personal Public Service) number. It’s a unique identifier for tax and social welfare purposes. You’ll encounter a fine dance between needing a job to get a PPS number and needing a PPS number to get a job. Be prepared for this delicate balance.
  • Emergency Tax: While waiting for your PPS number (which can take around eight weeks), you’ll be on “emergency tax.” This means a portion of your income will be withheld until your tax status is sorted. You’ll receive a refund once your PPS number is established.
Embarking on your job search journey in Dublin may take time, but with the right strategy, persistence, and a tailored approach, you can secure the job of your dreams in this dynamic city. Remember, every application is an opportunity, and each rejection brings you one step closer to your ideal position. Good luck with your Dublin job hunt!

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I want to emphasize that I'm not a lawyer, a financial expert, or an immigration specialist. In reality, I'm not an expert in anything related to this topic. What you're about to read is simply a collection of recommendations based on my personal experiences and research from the internet. This article doesn't claim to be the ultimate authority on the subject, and I hope you'll approach it with an open mind. Please feel free to use your judgment and seek additional advice whenever you feel it's necessary.